Wednesday, September 2, 2015


August has been nothing but preparations and celebrations.

I had the Allen baby shower at my Grammy's house.  This is her first great-grandchild and she is over the moon excited!  She had just gotten back from a cruise through some fjords in northern Europe and had my aunt, Heather, and her three kids staying with her and still hosted the baby shower.  She made the best chicken salad sandwiches ever, and also had the yummiest vanilla and raspberry cake.  My aunt Candy did all of the decorations and she has a real talent for it.  It was a relatively small shower, my aunts and girl cousins on that side of the family were there and so was my Gramps's sister and my Grammy's sister in-law.  My little sister didn't show up.  She was busy being a butthole and refused to come - but she missed out.

I bought myself a mom-mobile.  A 2005 Mercury Mariner that I paid about $3,500 for.  It's in awesome condition and not only will fit Mitch, the dogs, a carseat, and myself, but it has air conditioning! AND it's quiet!  I can actually hear Mitch when we're talking in the car while driving!  We're taking it up to Long Beach, Washington this weekend for our baby-moon. :)

I have officially changed my last name to Smith, which feels really good.  I thought I would mourn my maiden name more since I liked it so much, but it's nice to have the same last name as my husband.  Bonus: I can now do cutesy wreaths and stuff that say "The Smiths" hahaha.

We've started seeing midwives at the birthing center that we're going to be delivering at and I have my final appointment with my OB/GYN tomorrow.  I love my OB/GYN but I do NOT want to deliver at the hospital I would deliver at if I stayed with her - and I want a natural birth so we are withdrawing care.  I've already learned so much from my midwives and I feel really comfortable at the birth center.  A lot of people think I'm nuts, but I really feel that this is the best decision for me and my family.

Mitch and I found a place to live and are just waiting to hear back about whether or not we're approved for the place.  It's not at all where we wanted to be originally, but the area is nice and the rent is cheaper so we're compromising. :)

We finally opened up his etsy shop, Strange Grain Woodworks!  We even made a sale! I'm so incredibly proud of him for pursuing this, and I LOVE that me spending countless hours on etsy has paid off because now I am able to run his etsy shop.  I just hope that we keep gaining momentum.

And I had the baby shower my mom hosted. I requested it to be book themed and she made the cutest appetizer menu to go with books.  For dinner we had a BBQ and I wanted to cry because the food was great but Sawyer was pressing on my stomach so I couldn't eat much.  My aunt Cherise and cousin Misha stayed with us for the weekend of the shower, and my grandparents had my godmother Carol and uncle Chuck stay with them so they all came to the shower, as did my sort of great-grandparents Shirley and Merlin, my cousin Audrey and her friend Lexi, and my immediate family plus Mitch.  It was very nice and relaxed. :)

Oh, and I turned 22! I almost forgot that one!  Mitch and I went and saw Straight Outta Compton, went to his work barbecue, and went to Red Lobster with my family. He got me some hammocks that I can't wait to test out and a 3D Ultrasound to see Sawyer.  Funny thing:  She's stubborn like me because we have our third re-do appointment tomorrow since she would NOT show her face to us the other three appointments and we tried everything, but she's just like her dad in the sense that she has absolutely no problem showing us that she is, in fact, a she. Ha!  We did get a glimpse of her nose and she totally has Mitch's nose, and a full head of hair.  Hopefully she cooperates tomorrow! :)

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