Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Quick Catch Up: July

I am so awful at blogging! I just feel like nothing terribly eventful has happened, even though when I look back there are quite a few interesting things to talk about!  At our 19 week anatomy scan we got confirmation that she is indeed a she, and she happens to be measuring a few days early (October 31st) which is the day I would LOVE to have her! I don't know why but I have a strange obsession with Halloween and holidays in general.  After the anatomy scan I went on the Allen family reunion cruise, which will be a separate blog post (with photos) so that I can dedicate more time to writing about the places we stopped.  Last week we announced that we're having a girl on social media, but are keeping her name under wraps from the general public for now.

On July 2nd I was a bridesmaid for Mitch's cousin, Brittany's wedding.  They were born two days apart so they were close growing up and then drifted after high-school.  The wedding was beautiful and so much fun!  She looked amazing, and I am so honored to have been a part of the celebration! Not to mention the fact that Mitch and I both had to dress up! :)

For the Fourth of July I baked a blueberry cream pie, and some apple pie pillsbury bites.  One of my favorite things about holidays is the food.. and it's even more exciting to have holiday food while pregnant since that's all I ever think about! ;)

This last photo is from 23 weeks. I am officially starting to lose my toes, and standing up from sitting on flat ground with nothing to help push myself off from or pull myself up to is quite the challenge.  I have been loving 7-11 rewards week and have been getting a slurpee and free mini doughnuts daily.  Baby girl is playing water polo in her womb any time that I sit still and relax - which for the most part is my favorite thing, but in the middle of the night the kicks to my bladder can be a bit tiresome. Just over 3 months until we get to meet her!  I can't wait to have a place of our own so that I can get her nursery going.  It's driving me nuts to not have her clothes organized and start decorating!  August will be a big month for that, along with us getting me a new family car.. and two baby showers!

More later. :)