Thursday, April 23, 2015

12 weeks

Week 12 has been pretty good so far!  On Tuesday I woke up with NO nausea and felt awake and refreshed!  Mitch and I went for a 1 1/2 mile walk with the dogs in the evening and finally decided on a name if the little Squirt is a girl, since I started to love the name we had previously chosen less and less.  Now we just have to wait about 2 and a half weeks and then we get to know if I'm right and we're having a girl, or if he's right and we're having a boy.  However, we aren't going to reveal the gender until we get the official word from our 20 week ultrasound.

Yesterday I woke up feeling pretty great again, although sore from our walk the night before.  When Mitch got off of work we went to dinner and then went bowling with some friends.  I felt great! Until I ate a slice of cheap bowling alley pizza.  It has not settled well and I have been feeling awful since last night but that's just because I still have a sensitive stomach.  That being said I have not felt nauseous at all! I still call that a win!

I'm really hoping that I've reached the turning point in pregnancy where I will have my energy back (for a limited time only!) and be able to get through the day without nausea.

Still no bump, and to my knowledge no weight gain. I'm jealous of the cute bumps of the moms in the internet groups for November babies that I'm in, but this just means I will get to wear my clothes from last summer for longer - which will save some money! :)

Thursday, April 16, 2015

11 Weeks

I started the first trimester feeling absolutely normal.  I had NO idea I was pregnant as far as symptoms are concerned.  I was 5 weeks and a handful of days when we found out that I'm pregnant.  Everyone had told me how unusual it was not to have any symptoms, aside from the cramping I felt on occasion, and that I should have morning sickness.  One family member even said "the only time I didn't get morning sickness is when I miscarried." Gee, thanks!  As time went on and I joined more November baby forums online I realized that it was unusual.  My doctor assured me that it was uncommon but still within the realm of normal at my 8 week appointment, so I stopped worrying.  Then I got the flu from a sick family member during Easter and it developed into a cough after a few days of rough flu symptoms. A cough I am still trying to shake, a week later.  And that nausea that you feel when you get the flu? That never left.  Week 10 hit me, and although I'm not cuddling a toilet or garbage can like many pregnant ladies - I can't really eat.  Every time I think about eating I get nauseous, and can only ever really choke down a few bites before I'm scouting out the nearest exit and/or bathroom in case I can't hold my food down.

Even with finally feeling nausea, it still hasn't hit me that we're pregnant.  I don't feel pregnant.  It hasn't set in. Part of me thinks there will never be a huge moment of realization and instead I'll just adapt as I have been.  However, we got to hear the heartbeat today at our appointment and it was really neat!  Baby Smith has a strong and healthy heartbeat!  It's absolutely mind-boggling to think that I my body has created the perfect atmosphere for a second being to grow, and even more insane to think I have two hearts beating inside of my body.  The squirt's heart beats faster than mine and is much smaller, but it's definitely present.  That was the definite highlight of my day, and it was very much needed!

We found out that Mitch's truck is not going to pass emissions and it will cost about as much as we paid for it to make it passable - so we have to sell it.  He's devastated, and rightfully so, it's his favorite possession.  It's stressful because it pushes up the timeline we had to get a new family car because his truck wouldn't fit a car seat safely and my Jeep can't fit us, the dogs, and the baby.  Not to mention we're trying to find a good place for a reasonable price to move to where we can bring the baby home and raise the baby for the first eight or so months.  Oh, and we wanted to plan a babymoon but it looks like that might not happen due to financial issues.

Babies are stressful.  Babies are costly.  Being an adult is difficult.

BUT, knowing that we created something like this is amazing and empowering. I can't imagine doing this without Mitch.  He is my rock.  He handles my stresses and emotions better than I ever would have thought possible and he is always willing to cater to my pregnancy cravings/aversions/restrictions in all things.  I would be lost without my amazing husband.

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Wedded Bliss

Saturday, March 28th, 2015

Mitch had decided he wanted to have a combined bachelor/bachelorette party to celebrate before our wedding.  I was not terribly excited about it because I had an eight hour shift at work scheduled and being pregnant is exhausting!  Not to mention I can't drink with my friends.  However, I was excited to see all of our friends!  As soon as we arrived I had to use the restroom and Mitch went outside to see all of our friends.  When I came outside, his brother, Nathan, told me I missed a lot and wanted to show me photos on his phone.  I scrolled through them a bit and then came upon one that was a photo of Mitch doing his "blue steel" look while holding a sign saying "Kira, I love you!" and was then told to turn around.  Mitch was down on one knee, with the ring my mom had been saving for my future husband to give to me, and he asked if I would marry him.  I'm pretty sure I said "Are you shitting me?!" at one point but I definitely said yes!  I never in a million years expected him to formally propose, and it was amazing!

Sunday, March 29th, 2015

We had both of our immediate families meet up at our favorite pub to eat and get married.  The food was great, conversation was easy, and everyone seemed thrilled for us.  My sister in law presented me with a headband that said "Bride" and a clip in veil, and the rest of Mitch's family presented him with a tuxedo t-shirt.  It was so relaxed and casual and perfect. I'm so thrilled that not only did I officially marry the man of my dreams and my best friend for almost 7 years, but I get his family, too.  I never in a million years would have pictured my wedding night like that, but now that it's happened I couldn't think of a better way to get married.  However, I would have liked to have something to do at the end of the evening, we ended up being tired and unsure of what we wanted to do and both had work the next day so we spent the evening watching netflix before bed. Oh well, casual was what we were aiming for, right?!  And I still get my white dress and commitment ceremony/reception with ALL of our loved ones.  That will just wait until post-baby.

And although everything happened so fast, it's poetic for us.  We always said we learn best with trial by fire, and always like to just jump right in to things so here we go!

How it all began..

March 5th, 2015

I was eight days late for my period.  I had been tracking my period since I went off of the pill so I could figure out when my natural cycle was in balance again.  I'd wondered in passing what if and could I be? but we had just gotten back from a trip to Seattle the week before.  A trip in which I drove from Seattle to Salt Lake straight, all 15 hours, so I figured that contributed to a thrown off cycle.  I also was feeling undervalued at my work which caused me monumental stress and had finally decided to put in my two week's notice, which I thought also might have contributed.  I kept telling myself that 7 days was reasonable, and I could give my body 7 days to get back in check from everything, but if I hit 8 days then needed to know because something was going on.

After work I bought a dollar store pregnancy test and waited to meet Mitch so I could tell him my thoughts.  It came back positive.  There's such a thing as a false positive, right? We drove to the supermarket and bought a nicer pregnancy test.  You know, the ones that not only tell you "pregnant" or "not pregnant" in writing but they also tell you how far along you might be?  I ran to the supermarket bathroom after buying it and took the test.  "Pregnant" lit up before I could button my pants up, and "2-3 weeks" showed up soon after.

That night was a whirlwind of emotions, but we decided to keep calm until we had confirmation from a doctor.  That confirmation came the next morning.  We told our families that weekend and were met with nothing but support and excitement, and to be honest it was kind of contagious for me.

Fast forward a few weeks and we had digested the fact that we were going to become parents and although we were sad that it meant we had to give up our summer of travelling without jobs, and no longer ending the summer with a semi-spontaneous move to Washington, we were elated.  What a great adventure is in store for us!