Monday, February 8, 2016

Three Months

Sawyer turned three months on February 7th, 2016!

She totally has her daddy's eyes.

Her first bonfire, in the below freezing winter temperatures.

Her pouty face kills me!

At three months old Sawyer..
Loves: bath time, being tickled, turkey noises, popping noises, playing airplane, her play mats, falling asleep in the rocking chair while listening to Eddie Vedder's Into the Wild soundtrack, and standing and sitting up assisted.
Hates: water on her face, being left completely alone with Dad, sitting in her car-seat while it's not moving, the short time between the bath and her towel.
Wears: 3-6 and 6 month clothing, size 1 shoes, size 2 diapers.
Eats/Sleeps: 4oz every 3-4 hours, and sleeps from about 10pm to 9am with one hour long nap and two thirty minute long naps during the day.
Quirks: She's a total morning person, loves to grab her toys and the hair of whoever is holding her, likes to fall asleep holding my hand, and is able to pull her pacifier out of her mouth and sometimes put it back in.
Milestones: Sawyer can now wear pigtails, she's rolled from her back to her tummy twice, she's started to laugh and she has started teething.