Friday, January 22, 2016

Two Months

Sawyer turned 2 months on January 7th, 2016!

Her first New Year's Kiss. :)

She really is the happiest baby I've ever met.  I couldn't feel more lucky to call her mine.  Her steel blue eyes melt me.

At two months old Sawyer..
Loves: her daddy's crazy hair, mornings (she didn't get that from me!), baths, playing TIE Fighter with her uncle Ryan and Grandpa Jim, hearing mommy say "good morning!" and "I love you!," Modest Mouse, Lorde, her swing, her two playmats, and car rides.
Hates: clothes, getting her hair dried after bath time, and sitting still.
Quirks: she has strawberry marks all over her body, when she wakes up she spends the first hour of the day smiling and cooing, she pouts when she doesn't want her binky but you try to give it to her anyway, and she's started drooling worse than our dogs!
Milestones: She can hold her head up completely unassisted, eats 3-4oz per feeding every 3+/- hours, goes to bed around 11pm and wakes up by 11am, can pull her binky out of her mouth and once in a while is able to put it back in, pulls hair, starts to hit her rattle toys intentionally, is starting to giggle, and fills out her 0-3 month clothing.

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

One Month

Sawyer turned one month old on December 7th!

Her first day of life.

Her second week of life and first holiday, Thanksgiving.

Her first photos with Santa! She landed herself on the naughty list by peeing all over him immediately after this photo!

At one month old Sawyer..
Loves: Modest Mouse, me singing Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer, sleeping on her side, bath time, being naked or only in a diaper, us walking with her around the apartment looking at things.
Hates: poop in her diaper - I often have to start changing it before she's done going, yawning, being strapped in her carseat, her face being wiped off, her hair being dried after the bath.
Quirks: she hiccups 2-3 times daily, she's not phased by loud noises whatsoever, she often smiles in her sleep, she's gotten a strawberry mark on her foot, she's been in 0-3 month clothing since she was 3 weeks.
Milestones: She can hold her head up for about 30 seconds at a time, she can roll from her belly to her side, she eats about 2 to 3 ounces every two hours.