Monday, October 5, 2015


September was crazy!  

I got some maternity photos done by my longtime friend and amazing photographer, David Terry.  I honestly tear up every time I look at these photos.  It means so much to me to have a recent family photo and to have had the opportunity to document the last days of it just being Mitch, the dogs, and I.

Mitch and I took a babymoon trip to Long Beach, Washington.  It's become an annual thing for us to take the dogs to Long Beach.  I've never seen them happier than being able to run free and far in the sand chasing seagulls and playing in the waves.  I'm so glad we were able to go because it was the last trip that we took as a little family of four.  The 15 hour drive was easier than I thought it would be for me being 31 weeks pregnant.  Mitch did most of the driving, which helped. The hotel we stayed at had a wonderful restaurant so we were able to leave the dogs in the room for a few hours and have a romantic dinner together - I don't know if we've ever had such a nice dinner out together.   While we were there my brother in law proposed to his longtime girlfriend on their trip to Seattle.  I'm so excited to be gaining her as a sister-in-law, and I am so happy for them as a couple! I can't wait for their wedding this spring/summer. :)

Then Mitch and I moved out! We got the call saying we were approved for our apartment while we were in Long Beach. We now live in Herriman, which is SO far from everything - but cheap, and the apartment we live in is two bedrooms and two bathrooms with updated appliances, a washer and dryer, and vaulted ceilings.  It's wonderful not only having our own space but having a nursery for our little Soybean when she gets here.

After moving and our babymoon, we celebrated Mitch's 25th birthday at Oktoberfest.  This was our third year of celebrating his birthday at Oktoberfest and each year gets better and better.  Mitch drank over 1.5 gallons of beer - and was still able to walk himself to the car at the end!  I had about as much fun as he did, even though I couldn't drink.

At the end of the month I had the baby shower that his mom and sister hosted while Mitch went to Escalante with his cousin, Colby.  It was perfect.  They had it pumpkin themed and not only had the cutest decorations, but had the best desserts!  I am so sad that I didn't get pictures!  It was such a special experience getting to hear the parenting "fail" stories all of the moms that attended had, because it made me realize that no mom is perfect.  I didn't think that they were beforehand, but some of the stories I heard genuinely surprised me - and it made all of these women from different backgrounds with different parenting styles seem so much more relate-able to me.

Now we just finish getting the last few things we need for the baby and wait for her to arrive!  I'm one week away from being full term, so she's welcome to come anytime between the next 7 and 45 days.  I can't believe how fast time has flown, and am so absolutely terrified and excited to meet her. :)