Thursday, May 28, 2015

17 weeks!

17 weeks down, 23 to go.  My baby bump is starting to pop a little more each day, though! The photo on the left is at 12 weeks and the photo on the right is of me tonight at 17 weeks, 3 days. I should start to feel her within the next five weeks, which is very exciting! I just feel like time is dragging. Less than two weeks until we have a big friend trip to Moab, and our anatomy scan where I get to find out how she's cookin' and see her swimming around! I can't wait!

However, I want to cry nearly every day because I feel like I've lost my girlfriends.  I had one, whom I considered my best friend, who has made no effort to talk to me or let me know when she's in town so we can grab a quick bite to eat and catch up.  It hurts.  I haven't seen her since I told her I was pregnant, which was about 11 weeks ago.  I know I'm not the only one that's lost friends when pregnant, especially if they were the first in their group of friends to have a baby, but I was not expecting this.  If this happened to you, how did you cope?

Aside from that, I've been loving pregnancy! It's amazing to see my body transform and know that it's sustaining and growing life.  My symptoms have been mild thus far, and I hope it continues that way!

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

It's A...


For Mother's Day, Mitch booked an appointment at a local boutique ultrasound clinic for an early gender determination ultrasound since my doctor won't do our anatomy scan until 20 weeks.  It was the neatest experience being able to see our little girl yawn, stretch, and wiggle around inside of me!  We're definitely going back soon to get an ultrasound on video because we regret not adding that to the package.  And to add to the Mother's Day excitement, and/or to get us back from pushing on my belly so she'd move her legs and let us see the goods, I felt her move on Monday night!  At 15 weeks exactly she was swimming around like a little fish! Mitch poked my tummy yesterday and she kicked back, hard. It was amazing and crazy all at once! I can't wait for him to be able to feel her.  As I write this she's wriggling around, a night owl just like her mama. :) We are beyond excited to be having a little girl - even though Mitch totally feels out of his element.  We're in for the ride of our lives, and I can't wait!

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Hello 2nd Trimester!

I have a bump! It only took until the second trimester, but there is no doubt my belly is changing!

Week 13 was pretty easy! Aside from more headaches and occasional dizziness I feel pretty good! I still sleep 1-2 more hours per night but am now feeling rested throughout the day.  Only one more week until we find out the gender! I can't believe that baby is the size of a lemon and I still can't feel him or her wiggling around in there.  Soon, enough, right?  As far as the gender goes, Mitch votes boy and I vote girl - and the anticipation is killing me!

Mitch and I bought a crib over the weekend.  It was a $15 D.I. score that still passes safety laws/regulations/recommendations and just needs a good sanding and re-staining.  I'm happy because it will be sturdy and safe, and Mitch is happy because he gets to sand and stain the crib to his liking.  He also went with me to the baby store and we picked out a car seat, breast pump, stroller, and have our eyes on a recliner.  He did really well at the baby store, I was very impressed!

In other news, we have figured out what car we're going to get next as my mom-mobile! We just have to wait for a good deal. :) Now we just have to figure out where we're going to live.

I feel so lucky to have had a relatively easy pregnancy so far, and really hope it just keeps getting better!  Only 6 more months!